Electronics Gadgets WordPress Theme Documentation


I'm grateful that you installed our WordPress theme.. The complete procedure to configure and manage a WordPress Website from the beginning is shown in this documentation in different portions.

What is WordPress CMS?

WordPress is an open source tool which is based on PHP and MySQL to create websites. It is a completely free CMS, or content management system and a strong blogging platform. With this CMS, you can develop websites and solid online apps. You hardly require any knowledge or technical capability to manage it. WordPress has become the most accepted website development software available because of it’s varied aspects like it’s easy usage and flexibility.Learn More

What is a WordPress template

A WordPress template acts as a skin for the websites which are created on WordPress CMS. The installation of a WordPress Template is very easy. With the help of an installed new template, you can change the look of your WordPress website very easily. All the requisite source files are provided with a WordPress template and you can freely go for editing and increasing it the way you want.

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Files structure

The template package you have downloaded consists of several folders. Let's see what each folder contains:

  • Screenshots : contains template screenshots. Not for production.

  • Theme : contains files for WordPress themes.

  • electronics-gadgets.zip: This folder includes all the files required for the theme..

  • license.txt : contains license details.

  • readme.txt : contain information about theme images path and font use and usage scritps.

Template Installation

Installing a template is a simple process.

Step 1. Theme Installation

First thing you need to do is Access your WordPress Administration Panel by logging in. Next, click on

All installation steps can be done within WordPress interface. It makes process comfortable and fast.

visit the menu Appearance Themes.

Once you are on the themes activation page, click on the Insert New button.

To upload a theme, click the link..

Toggle Browse link then select your electronics-gadgets.zip theme and to install now click the button..

WordPress will now install your theme and show you a success message along with the the activation link or live preview.

Congratulations, your theme have been successfully installed!

Step 2. Install a Theme using FTP

Your Additional installation option is to FTP-upload the theme. For this method first sign into your site using FTP and browse to your folder themes located at wp-content. Unzip the theme file you downloaded and upload only the extracted Total folder to your server.

Next sign in to your WordPress website and navigate to the Appearance Themes to activate.

Theme Setup

Once you view your site after activating the theme, As You'll observe, the index page with the latest post. Now you will need to setup the front page template to show all the demo section on your front page.

Setup front page Template

Follow these instructions to setup front page.

1. To establish a template, Establish a Page : visit Dashboard Pages Insert New Page.

2. Make the front page: visit Setting Reading Set front page display static page to front.

Once you've finished, you may view the entire demo page.

Setup Theme Layout

To proceed, with Theme Layout Setup.

1. Site Layout:

visit Appearance click on Customize click on Theme setting click on Theme Layout setting

Select the site layout which you want, it has three site layouts

1. Full Layout: In this, theme will appear as deafault.

2. Contained Layout: In this, theme will appear as it is in the container-fluid.

3. Boxed Layout: In this, theme will appear as it is in the box container.

Suppose, Full layout selected then it will seems like below screenshot.

Suppose, Contained layout selected then it will seems like below screenshot.

Suppose, Boxed layout selected then it will seems like below screenshot.

2. Sidebar Layout:

visit Appearance click on Customize click on Theme setting click on Theme Layout setting

You can select the sidebar layout from here.

Setup Color/Font Pallete

To proceed, with Color/Font Pallete.

visit Appearance click on Customize click on Theme setting click on Color/Font Pallete

1. Color: Now, you can change the colors of all Paragraph, 'a' tag, 'li' tag, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 respectively.

2. Fonts: Now, you can change the Font Family of all Paragraph, 'a' tag, 'li' tag, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 respectively.

3. Font Size: Now, you can change the Font size of all Paragraph, 'a' tag, 'li' tag, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 respectively.

Their customizer settings are like below screenshot.

Setup Top Header

To proceed, with Top Header Section,

visit Appearance click on Customize click on Theme Settings click on Top Header Section

1. Show/hide Topbar: Now, you have an option for show/hide Topbar.

2. Show/hide Sticky Header: Now, you have an option for Show/hide Sticky Header.

3. Sticky Header Padding: Now, you have an option for Show/hide Sticky Header Padding.

4. Add Shipping Text: Now, you have options to add Add Shipping Text.

4. Add FAQs Text: Now, you have an option to add FAQs Text.

6. Add Contact Text: Now, you have options to add Contact Text.

7. Add Sale Text: Now, you have options to Add Sale Text.

8. Add Guarantee Text: Now, you have options to add Add Guarantee Text.

9. Add Wishlist URL: Now, you have options to add Wishlist URL.

10. Navigation Case: Now, you have options to add Navigation Case.

This will enable you to add top header section.

13. Preloader:

visit Appearance click on Customize click on Theme setting click on Header

You can select the Theme Preloader from here.

Setup Header

To proceed, with header section,

visit Appearance click on Customize click on Site Identity

Now, You might include logo and also you can change the logo width.

Setup Slider

visit Dashboard Pages Insert new page

This will enable you to add slider page.

To proceed, with slider page

visit Appearance click on Customize click on Theme Settings click on Slider Settings

you can create slider section


To proceed, with Products Section,

visit Dashboard Products Add New Category

visit Dashboard Products Add new Products

visit Customizer click on Theme Settings Product Sction

This will enable you to add Products section.

Setup Post-Section

To proceed, with Post Section,

visit Dashboard Posts Add New.

Add new post and select the newly created category.

visit Customizer click on Theme Settings click on Post Settings

1. Enable / Disable Post Date: Now, you have an option to Enable / Disable Post Date.

2. Enable / Disable Post Author: Now, you have an option to Enable / Disable Post Author.

3. Enable / Disable Post Comments: Now, you have an option to Enable / Disable Post Comments.

4. Enable / Disable Post Time: Now, you have an option to Enable / Disable Post Time.

5. Enable / Disable Featured Image: Now, you have an option to Enable / Disable Featured Image.

6. Featured image border radius: Now, you have an option to Select border for image.

7. Featured image box shadow: Now, you have an option to Select image box shadow.

8. Post Content Type: Now, you have an option to Add text for Button.

9. Top Bottom Button Padding: Now, you have an option to add padding for top and bottom.

10. Left Right Button Padding: Now, you have an option to add padding for left and Right.

11. Button Border Radius: Now, you have an option to add Border Radius for Button.

This will enable you to add post section.

Setup Single Post

To proceed, with Single Post Section,

visit Customizer click on Theme Settings Single Post Settings

1. Enable / Disable Feature Image: Now, you have an option to Enable / Disable Feature Image.

2. Enable / Disable Tags: Now, you have an option to Enable / Disable Tags.

3.Enable / Disable Comment: Now, you have an option to Enable / Disable Comment.

4. Comment Textarea Width: Now, you have an option to Add Width for Comment Textarea.

5. Comment form Title: Now, you have an option to add Comment form Title.

6. Comment Button Text: Now, you have an option to add text for Button.

7. Next Navigation Text: Now, you have an option to add text for Next Navigation.

7. Previous Navigation Text: Now, you have an option to add text for Previous Navigation.

9. Enable / Disable Related Posts: Now, you have an option to Enable / Disable Related Posts.

10. Related Posts Title: Now, you have an option to add Related Posts Title.

11. Related Posts Count: Now, you have an option to add Related Posts Count.

This will enable you to add single post section.

Setup 404 & No Result Page

visit Appearance click on Customize click on Theme Settings click on click on 404 & No Result Page Section.

To proceed, with 404 Section.

1. 404 Page Title: error 404 page has a page title not found.

2. 404 Page Text: error 404 page has a page Contain not found

3. 404 Page Button Text: error 404 page Text of Button not found

4. No Result Page Title: error site title not found

5. No Result Page Text: error site contain not found

WooCommerce Plugin

First, you need to download woocommerce plugin from the site Wordpress.org . Next, You must visit the WordPress admin and visit Plugin.

As You'll observe, a success message like this after installation is finished.Once installed, you need to click on the Activate Plugin link to start using the plugin.

Setup WooCommerce

visit Appearance click on Customize click on Theme Settings click on Additional WooCommerces Options.

To proceed, with Additional WooCommerces Options.

1. Product per row: Now, you have an option to add Number Of Product in one Row.

2. Product per page: Now, you have an option to add Number Of Product in one single page.

3. Product Catlog: Now, you can select Product what to display on the main shop page..

4. Category display: Now, you Choose product category to display on product category pages.

5. Default product sorting: Here the products be sorted in the catalog by default? .

6. Product Images: Now, you have an option to selet the product image.

7. Checkout: Now, you change the appearance of the WooCommerce checkout.

8. Company name field: Now, you have an option to add company name field.

8. Address line 2 field: Now, you have an option to select Address line 2 field .

9. Phone field: Now, you have an option to select Phone field.

10. Privacy policy page: Now, you have an option to select privacy policy page.

11. Terms and conditions page: Now, you have an option to select privacy policy page.

Page Templates and Sidebars

Page Templates

  • Default Template (The default page template with a right sidebar position)

  • front page Template (Front page with the demo content)

  • Page (Left Sidebar) (A page templates with left sidebar position)

  • Page (Right Sidebar) (A page template with right sidebar position)

Posts, Categories and Post Formats

Adding category

Review the following article for more information on adding categories: http://codex.wordpress.org/Manage_Categories_SubPanel

  • Access your WordPress Administration Panel by logging in. (Dashboard).

  • Click the Posts tab.

  • With that done, click Categories for blog posts.

  • Type in the name of your new category.

  • After that, click the Add New Category button.

Click the Publish button.

Go to Appearance click on Customize click on Theme Settings click on Post Setting

To proceed, with Post Section,

1. Enable / Disable Post Date: Now, you have an option to Enable / Disable Post Date.

2. Enable / Disable Post Author: Now, you have an option to Enable / Disable Post Author.

3. Enable / Disable Post Comments: Now, you have an option to Enable / Disable Post Comments.

4. Enable / Disable Featured Image: Now, you have options to Enable / Disable Featured Image.

5. Featured image border radius: Now, you have options to add border radius for featured image

6. Featured image box shadow: Now, you have an option to add box shadow for featured image.

7. Post Content Type: Now, you have an option to post content type like showing content full or Excerpt Content.

8. Post Button Text: Now, you have an option to add text for post button.

9. Top Bottom Button Padding: Now, you have an option to add top bottom padding for post button.

10. Left Right Button Padding: Now, you have an option to add left right padding for post button.

8. Button Border Radius: Now, you have an option to add border radius for post button.

10. Post Navigation Type: Now, you have an option to add post button navigation type , Next/Prev Button.

Creating a Blog post

  • Access your WordPress Administration Panel by logging in. (Dashboard).

  • Click the Posts tab.

  • Click the Add New tab.

  • Type in your post content. For more information on adding posts, please check the following link http://codex.wordpress.org/Posts_Add_New_SubPanel.

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