We appreciate you purchasing our WordPress theme. This documentation breaks down each step of setting up and maintaining a WordPress website into separate sections.
WordPress is a free and open-source website builder that uses PHP and MySQL as its foundation. It is a robust blogging platform and a free content management system (CMS). This CMS may be used to build reliable online applications and websites. Little technical expertise or experience is needed to manage it. Because of its flexibility and ease of use, WordPress has grown to be the most popular website construction tool.Learn More
The skin of websites powered by WordPress is a WordPress template. Setting up a WordPress template is easy. By installing a new template, you can quickly modify the appearance of your WordPress website. All required source files are present in a WordPress template, which you can change and modify as needed.
There are various folders in the template package you downloaded. Let's examine the contents of each folder:
Screenshots : contains template screenshots. Not for production.
Theme : contains WordPress theme files.
travel-booking-agency-pro.zip: All of the theme's necessary files may be found in this folder.
license.txt : contains license details.
readme.txt : contain details on the theme's image paths and font usage instructions.
The steps for activating a TC key are as follows.
As you will get the License Key on your Email, use that key to Activate License.
Follow the following Process to Activate License.
Go to the Dashboard Appearance TC Setup Wizard Enter Key Activate
After Entering The Key Activate Licence.
After you Activate Licence,the key will be active and then you can Getstarted with the Theme.
In this way you can activate your Licence Key.
Incorrect file permissions may prevent WordPress from creating folders, uploading images, or running certain scripts.
WordPress requires server permissions to manage files and create folders.
The installation of a template is a simple process.
The first step is to log into your WordPress admin area. Then, click on
Go to the menu Appearance Themes
After you have navigated to the themes page, click on the Add New button located at the top of the page.
Click on upload theme button.
Click on Browse Button then select your alt-TC-Softwar-pro.zip theme and click on Install Now Button..
WordPress will now install your theme and display a success message, as well as a link to activate or view the live preview.
The second method of installation is to upload the theme via FTP. To use this method, first connect to your site via FTP and navigate to the wp-content/themes folder. Unzip the downloaded theme file and upload only the extracted Total folder to your server.
Next log into your WordPress site and navigate to Appearance Themes to activate total folder.
Plugins are ways to extend and enhance the functionality already present in WordPress.
How to Enable Plugins If you want these features in your theme, you must activate the plugin. To activate the plugin in your theme, follow these steps.
To manually install a WordPress Plugin, download the.zip archive and follow the steps below for Upload plugin.
alt-TC-Software-pro Posttype plugin, Contact Form 7
To use Travel Booking Agency Pro, you must first install and activate the Alt Travel Booking Agency Pro plugin. Without this plugin, your content will not be displayed on your site.
1. Add Plugin : Go to Dashboard Add New Upload plugin..
click on the install now button and activate.
Import demonstration content with a single click to get your theme up and running. This content will walk you through the process of creating a website.
Go toDashboard >> Appearance >> TC Setup Wizard
Click on"Next" and then "Start Now"
Click on "Install Plugins"
Click on "Import Demo"
After activating the theme, you will see the index page with the most recent post. Now you must configure the home page template to display all of the demo sections on your front page.
How to Arrange and Reordering Section
Section reordering essentially means rearranging the section to meet our needs. To proceed with this section, drag the section to the top or bottom of the page where you want it. when you will drap any section top or bottom your front view will change according customizer values.
Section re-ordering is as simple as dragging and dropping options into any order you desire.
In order to proceed with Section Ordering.
Step 1 Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customizing >> Plugin Setting >> Section Ordering
Then, select "Demo Content Importer" and then "Run Importer."
Follow these instructions to setup Home page.
1. Create Page to set template : Go to Dashboard Pages Add New Page.
Select the template.
2. Set the front page: Go to Setting Reading Set the front page display static page to home page.
When you're finished, you'll be able to see all of the demo content on the front page.
Follow the steps below to proceed with Site Identity.
Site Identity
Go to Appearance Customize Site Identity .
Follow the steps below to configure the Header.
Go to Dashboard Pages Add New
For menus, you must first create a menu and then add menus from the Add menu items menu.
Go to Appearance Customize Theme Settings Header.
If you want to add more pages, follow the same procedure.
This is how you add the Header section.
In order to proceed with slider.
Go to Appearance Customize Theme Settings Slider Section.
This is how you add the slider section.
In order to proceed with Search Tour Section.
Go to Appearance Customize Theme Settings Search Tour.
In this way you can setup Search Tour Section
In order to proceed with Free Tour Places Section.
Go to Appearance Customize Theme Settings Tour Places Section.
You can set up Tour Places Section in this manner.
In order to proceed with Tour By Interest Section.
The travel-booking-agency-pro-posttype component must first be uploaded and activated.
First, the categories must be created.
Go to Dashboard Tour Categories Add New.
Go to Dashboard Tour Add New.
Go to Appearance Customize Theme Settings Tour By Interest.
You can set up Tour By Interest Section in this manner.
In order to proceed with Popular Tours Section.
The travel-booking-agency-pro-posttype component must first be uploaded and activated.
First, the categories must be created.
Go to Dashboard Tour Categories Add New.
Go to Dashboard Tour Add New.
Go to Appearance Customize Theme Settings Popular Tours.
This is how you set up the Popular Tours Section.
Follow the instructions below to build up the Top Destinations Section.
Installing and turning on the travel-booking-agency-pro-posttype extension is the first step.
Go to Deshboard Destinations Add New.
Go to Appearance Customizer Theme Setting Destinations.
This is how you set up Top Destinations Section.
To build up the Tour Type Sections, follow the instructions below.
Go to Appearance Customize Theme Settings Tour Type.
In this way you can Tour Type.
The steps listed below should be followed to build up the hotels section.
Installing and turning on the travel-booking-agency-pro-posttype extension is the first step.
Go to Dashboard Hotels Add New
Go to Appearance Customize Theme Settings Hotels section.
You can set up Hotels in this manner.
In order to proceed with Our Testimonial,
Follow the steps listed below to set up the newsletter section.
You must upload and enable the Contact Form 7 plugin in the Newsletter section.
Go to Dashboard Contact Add New .
Go to Appearance Customize Theme Settings Newsletter.
This is how you set up Newsletter.
Follow the instructions below to build up the Tour Locations Section.
Go to Appearance Customize Theme Settings Tour Locations.
This is how you set up Tour Locations.
The procedures below should be followed in order to move on to the testimonials section.
The first stage is to install and enable the travel-booking-agency-pro-posttype extension.
To highlight Testimonials on the main page.
Go to Dashboard Testimonials Add New
Go to Appearance Customize Theme Settings Testimonial
This is how you set up the Testimonials Section.
In order to proceed with Our Blog Section,
Refer to the screenshots below to complete this section. First, you must upload and activate the Alt Travel Booking Agency Pro Posttype plugin.
The Posts option will appear on the dashboard after installation.
Go to Dashboard Posts Add New .
Go to Appearance Customize Theme Settings Our Blog.
You can set up Our Blog in this manner.
In order to proceed Contact
Go to Dashboard Contact Add New
Go to Appearance customizer Themes Settings Contact
Contact Page will be Appear on page like this.
For more information on adding categories, see the following article: click here
Click the Publish button.
A shortcode is a useful tool for creating content. click here Shortcodes are simple to use. First and foremost, ensure that the editing mode is set toVisual.
Contact Form : [contact-form-7 id="5" title="Contact form 1"]
Testimonial Section : [alt-testimonials]
Author Section : [alt-author]
1) Testimonial Section :[alt-testimonials]
Go to Dashboard Pages Add New.It will be appear on page like this
In order to proceed with Widget section,
Go to Dashboard Appearance Widgets.It will look like this on the page.
1. First, download the plugin from the source (it will be a zip file) ( Post Type plugin.zip). Then, go to the WordPress admin area and navigate to the Plugins » Add New page.
2. Then, at the top of the page, click the Upload Plugin button.
3. This takes you to the plugin upload page. Click the Choose File button and navigate to the plugin file you downloaded earlier to your computer.
4. After you've chosen the file, you must click the install now button.
5. WordPress will now upload and install the plugin file from your computer. After the installation is complete, you will see a success message similar to this.
6. Once installed, click the Activate Plugin link to begin using the plugin.