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    I recently purchased the theme I cannot add links in the footer Like my account .. Shipping policies .. Return Etc if you could help me out with the same ..
    Apart from that I cannot add widgets on the home page or any other page this is what is being displayed “Your theme has 6 widget areas, but this particular page doesn’t display them.

    You can navigate to other pages on your site while using the Customizer to view and edit the widgets displayed on those pages.”

    Link to my site is http://wordpress.thepeekaboodesigns.com/

    Themes Caliber

    Hii koolvids,

    It’s glad that you have choose our platform

    Managing footer on WordPress is quite eazy task as we have provided you in the documnetation


    All you need to do is to follow these very eazy steps as below

    Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> menu >> Create New Menu

    Write there menu name of your choice then click on create menu
    then on the left side bar you can see pages which you have created with the links or click on custom links
    Click on the custom links there you can provide the url and the link text, then click on add menu.
    Repeat the process to provide as many links as you can, then save it.

    Then go to the widget select the appropriate footer among (Footer 1, Footer 2, Footer 3, Footer 4)
    to display menu on the footer click on Navigation menu select the appropriate footer the add to widget.

    to display logo you can select Image option and then select the appropriate footer where you wanna display the logo
    for text you can choose the text field,
    create multiple menu to display it on several footer section,
    1.) Create menus >> select the pages OR Add new Custom Links >> save menu.
    2.) Dashboard >> appearance >> widget >> Drag Navigation menus to footer place >> select the menu you have created.
    for blog sidebar or page sidebar
    you can select several things like Product Category, Recent posts, menus etc and assign it to respective sidebar,
    Go to Dashboard >> Pages >> add new

    Type name as per your choice,

    Then on the right sidebar you can see the Template, select the page where you want to Redirect the new page eg. page with left Side bar.
    hope this helps..
    Send you wordpress credentials at support@themescalliber.com and we will design your website for you.

    Thank You
    Regards team http://www.themescaliber.com/


    Please give an alternate email id ..

    This is the error displayed !!

    Address not found
    Your message wasn’t delivered to support@themescalliber.com because the domain themescalliber.com couldn’t be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again.

    Themes Caliber

    Hii koolvids,

    As we are suffering from some technical Issues regarding server our support mail support@themescalliber.com is out of reach still we are happy to provide service to our customers as, a member from our technical team will connect you through their personal mail Id as below:-


    and we hope that we sort you out of the problems very soon

    Thank you

    Team http://www.themescaliber.com/


    Have emailed ..

    Themes Caliber

    Hello Mr. Jain,

    Thank you for your queries, and patience,

    1.)Some how you managed to Disable/strong> footer from TC Setting >> Footer.
    All you need to do is to enable it.

    2.)Image Dimensions are as follows
    i.) slider image (1359px * 578 )
    ii.) featured Product, new Arrival, Best Seller Section(240px * 240px )
    iii.) Go quickly to (330px * 330px)
    iv.) men’s product section 1. big size banner(525px * 408px)
    2. product images (233px * 233px)
    v.) Women’s product Section Same as Men’s Product Section
    vi.) From the Blog Section (330px * 259px)
    vii.)Sponser’s Section (142px * 92px)
    All The Images Dimension and sections are according to the theme which we have provided click on the link to see the respective section

    3.)Pintrest and Blogger Option is now readily available only for you as per your wish which is now available inTC Settings >> Top Bar

    add your link there.

    4.) Logos of paypal, and Paytm ,Visa, Mastercard, Netbanking in the footer under payment methods you need to create an Image of you choice one I have put for you through Widget.

    Fedex and India post under logistic partner in the footer:- For that section Go to TC Setting >> Sponser Section , Upload Image Over there.

    If any of the section is not not available or not displaying on your screen Go To TC Setting >> click on the respective section you want to select Enable it and then click on the Publish Button

    Thank you hope these helps and Apology for delay in response due some technical Issues.

    Team http://www.themescaliber.com/


    Thank you for your response .. still having the following issues
    1) There are total of 6 widget sections .. of which 4 footer widgets are displayed .. I still am unable to see the other 2 ..
    2) thank you for the dimensions .
    3)Thank you for adding the same for me. After the blogger there is a white gap and the red bar doesn’t get complete in the top bar. The colour of the blogger is even orange and not like the others . The footer section of the website has 3 social media icons .. I guess you would have to add that manually too for me.
    4) Thank you for the same will do the needed.
    5) The following error still persists.” Your theme (TC Ecommerce Shop Pro) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. You can see which files are affected from the system status page. If in doubt, check with the author of the theme.
    Learn more about templates” If you could even fix this .. and update these.
    6) In the home page .. Only the first post of “From our blog” section contains Pictures the others somehow do not display picture . Could thisbe seen too.
    7) On the top menu if you could help me with the blog part. I that tab hyperlinked to my blog .. “http://peek-a-boodesigns.blogspot.com/”so that the wordpress blog doesnt open instead in a new page my blogspot opens up.
    8) Im trying to add product to the menu and sub menus to the shop section that i have created but Im not able to do the same Could you guide me with the steps as to how to do so ?
    9) If in the header / Top bar the currency converter drop down could be added.

    Thank you Ms. Vidushi Jain.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by koolvidz.

    10)The about us page “http://wordpress.thepeekaboodesigns.com/about-us/”The entire content is towards the Left of the page.
    11)Even the My account login page .. http://wordpress.thepeekaboodesigns.com/my-account/ the login in section is on the left.
    12)The logo in the footer 1 Has a white bounding box .. Want that removed the original picture doesnt have the same .
    13) the paypal logo in the Cart page isnt visible.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by koolvidz.
    Themes Caliber

    Hii Ms. Vidushi Jain.

    As you can see in the widget 4 options are for footer and 1 for blog side bar and 1 for page sidebar

    blog side bar used to display on blog page

    and page side bar used to display on the product pages or the pages which contains side bar

    you need to assign the items to the selected things like

    if you want to add the product categories in the page sidebar

    click on the product categories a drop down will appear select page sidebar ansd save it on page side bar that’s it. your product categories will appear on page side bar do the same for all the different widget options, also for Blog side bar.

    talking about blogger part, the theme is like that, so that the red color doesn’t get complete till the end, our theme design is like you can check the demo for it.
    Blogger Icon is in orange color because icons for blogger is not availabe for the blogger, so forced to add image over there, appology for that, but it might work.

    Do not bother about updating woocommerce these errors do not makes any sense to your website as we need to change some functionality of woocommerce to work website to more efficiently.

    In the blog section all you need to do is to Go to Dashboard >> Posts >> click on the post which you have created >> set featured Image for it which would be available at the bottom right side bar and update the changes.


    Talking about the product you have made too much categories and sub categories which is good,

    now all you need to do is to create products and assign the products to that categories.

    Go to Dashboard >> products >> add new
    there you need to add product name, description, set product Image, price and discount price and punlish it. to add more images to that product you need to add product gallery Images, there you can add multiple Images click on update button.
    To assign the product to the category select the checkbox available below the publish button you can select the multiple categories over there

    The icons on the footer is resolved,

    problem regarding footer border is resolved,

    To add currency converter plugin you need to add a plugin named Currency Converter Plugin.

    Currency Converter Widget – Exchange Rates

    hope this helps

    team https://themescaliber.com


    Hi again..

    The widget section of the live preview is what im talking off. And from apperance>widgets whatever additions i have done isnt visible on frontend.
    For the product addition in not talking about Categories .. Im talking about the drop down menu in the shop section how do i put them in drop down there..

    Themes Caliber

    Hi Mrs Jain,

    Adding Products to your menu is as simple as adding categories to your shop page.

    Go to Appearance >> Menus >>select your primary menu named Stencils

    Add a custom link name it whatever you want, I name it Product . Custom Link Available on the left side bar.

    Now move on to products available on left side bar on the menu section of the widget. Check the box(es) you wish you want your product to appear on the dropdown box then click on Add to menu place it under product name as one of the demo I have done it for you. Or you can Show your product Under your Categories too.

    Note:- Add more products to work with drop down as you have only 1 product.

    Live Preview for the widget section is working Just look at the respective Section where you make Changes

    Thank You Regards


    Hi thank you .. And Your reply still doesnt solve my problem .. the product added is a stencil .. I have added it to the category stencil but under SHOP>STENCIL the product isnt visible .. How do i make the product visible there ?
    When i click the stencil page (which is http://wordpress.thepeekaboodesigns.com/stencil/) the product is visible .. Right now the product is visible only under http://wordpress.thepeekaboodesigns.com/shop/


    I want the blog page/tab on the top menu to function like the one on this website –> https://www.lilinkerdesigns.com/ .. the blogspot opens up in a new page tab.

    if the blogger can be removed from the footer.

    want designed by themescallier removed too

    can the font be changed for the blog sidebar ? and the drop shadow removed ?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by koolvidz.
    Themes Caliber

    That’s because you have created a new page named stencil.

    you need to add product categories to you under your menu named shop not the pages if you add product categories it will automatically shows products under that page like http://wordpress.thepeekaboodesigns.com/product-category/stencil/

    one of the demo is done for you you. The product demo is removed.

    upload a image from media section and you can find the url below it copy that url and paste it where @@@ symbol appears

    go to widget click on text >> add it to footer 1 >> select text from text or visual write there

    Image link

    save it

    hope this helps


    Could you help me with your contact number so that I can verbally explain you a few stuff ? Like the blog thing that you have done isnt what im talking about .. Im talking about the blog tab in the top bar menu .. I want that hyperlinked to my blogspot blog .. And not an added Icon in the footer .. Im unable to attach screenshot here so that I could explain you where exactly i want it ..

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