No one likes to lag behind because of the slow processor. That’s why our computers have updates. The smartphones we use also need updates. The system updates occur on your phone and you do it with one click. You get easy features with these updates, as well as a smoother operating system. In the same way, you should also update your WordPress site. Updating a website is easy. It only takes a little bit of knowledge about WordPress and how updates work.
The WordPress platform is popular among web hosts. The site began as a blogging platform and has grown into the most dependable web host. Now WordPress owns almost 40% of the total websites on the internet. It’s been years since WordPress is gaining more trust and maintained it.
WordPress has two hosts which are WordPress.com and WordPress.org. Most people choose WordPress.org as it gives you the freedom to design your own website. It provides the necessary tools for it. WordPress websites receive good reviews. They never fail to impress viewers with their functions and features.
There are several companies around the world that provide ready-to-use premium and free WordPress themes for websites. These premium and Free WordPress themes are made according to different professions. These themes customize the functionality of WordPress and add a few of their own. You can buy any website you want. In fact, you can get it for free.
But there are a lot of drills here. The premium and Most Popular WordPress Themes that you are buying must be made according to the latest version of WordPress. If they’re not compatible with the most recent version of WordPress, you’ll be left behind and the premium features won’t work. You’ll waste both time and money otherwise.
Why Are There So Many Versions Of WordPress?
WordPress has been working as a web host for more than 10 years. Internet changes every day. The digital world is constantly evolving. If you refuse to endure it and walk with the flow, you will end up alone and ignored.
As well as galaxies, the internet can also lead to deep dark holes of disappointment. If you want to save your website from entering this hole you should and must keep updating the WordPress website. Security for your website should be one of your top priorities. There are many benefits of updating a website. If you don’t update your WordPress website it will become an easy target for hackers. By creating your website, you will open a loophole that will cost you a lot of money.
Another reason for updating a website is that it clears itself from bugs. WordPress updates every second year. In this updated version they sort the bugs in the system and get rid of them. However, if you are still using the old version, you may have difficulty running it properly. The old version will eventually be eradicated by the browsers and with it, your website will become outdated. Not to mention the new features you will get with the latest version. They will both enhance your performance and make it better.
Different Ways For Updating A Website?
For updating a website, there are two main ways. The first is one click and the second is Manual. Here we are going to look at both of them. But before proceeding to update your website make sure to back up the whole data. If something goes wrong in the update or it doesn’t suit your server you can have your initial website run.
Also, it’s important to check the compatibility of WordPress Form Builder Plugins that you are using before updating a website. You can disable plugins that are having issues with processing to prevent further issues with your website. You can check the compatibility by just navigating in admin dashboard into Plugins. There you will find the option for checking compatibility. This way you will get an idea of what kinds of plugins you have and how they can affect your website once updated. Let’s roll!
1. One-Click
There are different ways of updating a website. One of them is a one-click update. From the admin dashboard, you can perform this action. In order to do this, you must log in to your admin account. There you will see the dashboard. Click on Plugins on the dashboard.
Here you will find plugins that are installed and working on the website. You will find an update button right beside each plugin. The WordPress website will also notify you when an update is available. You must first update the plugins and theme files before updating the core files. When you have updated all the plugins and Responsive WordPress Theme files, you will see a big blue button, click on it. This will download and install the latest version of WordPress on your website.
2. Manual
Another way of updating a website is manual. One-click updates may not work properly due to a number of reasons. For this reason, you can update manually as well. For this first, you have to back up your website before starting the update. Now you will have to deactivate all the plugins you have on your website. Then access your root directory using the FTP client your host has provided. Delete all of the old WordPress files except for wp-content, wp-includes, custom content in the wp-content folder, and .htaccess files, Robot.txt.
After this upload new files into the system. Make sure you upload and not overwrite. Next, run an update from the WordPress admin dashboard. Don’t forget to update the permalinks as well. Activate all the plugins one by one. Check if the plugins and everything are working fine with the new files.
These two ways always work fine. You just need to make sure to process them properly. This way updating a website becomes a minutes job. Think about the time you felt this was unnecessary and time-consuming. Hopefully, this article will help you change your mind about WordPress updates. Your WordPress website is important, so treat it with care!